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Calling all drone buyers: The Top 5 Ways to Become a UAVIP

ou’ve seen and heard about all the amazing things drones are doing to allow teams to work in fastercheaper, and safer ways, which has probably compelled you to explore what it means to achieve those same types of efficiencies for your organization. Not only can you do all of that at Commercial UAV Expo, but as a UAVIP, you’ll be able to do so in a way that makes less of an impact on your travel budget.

Of course, not just anyone can be a UAVIP. Being one means that you’re involved with the decision-making or process to see those efficiencies with drones actually created. It means being the person that is asking the right questions when it comes to the integration of this technology. It means being exposed to the drone industry and UAS technology at Commercial UAV Expo for the very first time.

Are you any or all of those things? If you’re not sure, check out the top 5 ways you can become a UAVIP.

1. You’re Involved in the Purchase and/or Utilization of UAS Technology 

Sorting out how drones can be utilized to augment established tasks or change the way things are done isn’t something that a single person or team can be tasked with sorting out. UAVIPs are people who are involved in these processes at different levels, whether it’s on the operational side or as part of the support for this work. This involvement could range from decision-making roles in acquiring drone systems to overseeing their deployment within their organization.

UAVIPs serve as the bridge between the potential of drone technology and its real-world applications. Whether a UAVIP is driving these connections or supporting them, they’re intimately involved in when and how decisions are made to move forward with the adoption of these tools.

2. You Support the Operation of a Drone Fleet for Commercial or Public Applications

Innovations and regulations have progressed to the point that certain tasks or projects could utilize multiple drones, simultaneously, with one pilot. These sorts of applications can potentially redefine drone automation and remote operations, makes what had previously been a regulatory impossibility a practical reality by allowing things like the autonomous inspection of an asset to be performed by drones at scale.

UAVIPs are the people sorting out what technology and support can best enable these sorts of complex tasks within their organization. They’re the people who are sorting out how drones can be used extensively or for specialized, technical public and/or private sector applications.

3. You’re a Key Decision Maker in Your Organization

Making the decision to move forward with drone technology is no small task, and even if you’re starting small, the investment of time and resources to make the technology make sense is real. Typically, that means executives, managers, project leads, or other influential figures who have the power to make purchasing decisions, set strategic directions, or allocate resources related to UAS technology.

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Regardless of the specific title, UAVIPs weigh the risks and rewards, ensuring the technology aligns with the organization’s goals and budget. They hold significant decision-making authority within their respective organizations or agencies. Their leadership is a critical element of where and how the technology makes sense across an organization.  

4. You’re New to Commercial UAV Expo

If you’ve been to Commercial UAV Expo in the past then I don’t need to tell you about the kind of value you’re able to get from the event in terms of the technology on the exhibit floor, the insights on the conference program or the experience of seeing the technology in action at the drone demos. There’s a reason the event has become the leading international trade show and conference focusing on the integration and operation of commercial UAS.

That reality is one of the reasons that UAVIP status is reserved for those who are attending Commercial UAV Expo for the first time. This year’s edition is shaping up to be the biggest yet, further highlighting why you need to be there.

5. You are or want to become the “Drone Champion” in Your Organization

It’s difficult to define what makes someone a “drone champion” for their organization, because that term can mean so many different things. For some, it means the person who is gathering information to provide to senior leadership that will allow them to make a decision about adoption. For others, it’s the person who is pushing to take the next step with the technology because they’ve quantified the value that drones represent for the organization. And for others, it’s the person who isn’t looking for answers with the technology, just the right questions they need to be asking.

Regardless of which of these definitions or any others you fall into, UAVIPs are the ones who can “champion” drone integration by presenting a compelling vision for how this technology can improve efficiency, safety, and profitability. They see drones as a strategic tool to gain a competitive edge that will help define growth, safety and success for the entire organization.

Are you a UAVIP? Fill out the info in this link, and we’ll follow up with you to let you know for sure. Or you can get in touch with me to answer any questions about what’s above and what sort of value you can unlock for your organization in the present and future by becoming a UAVIP. 

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