September 2-4, 2025  •  Caesars Forum  •  Las Vegas

Live Outdoor Flying Demonstrations

Info for Participating Vendors

Thank you for showcasing your solutions to Commercial UAV Expo attendees through your participation in the Live Outdoor Flying Demonstrations!

We’re looking forward to working with you to create safe and successful demonstrations that educate spectators and showcase your inspiring solutions.

Please carefully review the following information and timeline.

 Key Dates

Immediately, we need a few details that are noted as mandatory on the form, but please share any details you already have. We’ll follow up on remaining items in accordance with the timeline below.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024  – Title of demonstration and demonstration description finalized
Jennifer Pidgen of Sundance Media Group, who is providing organization and support for the demos, will work with you on crafting the best possible showcase for your solutions, including creating a description for promotional use.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 – Pilot and aircraft information due 

The following are due:
> Pilot Name and Contact Information
> Aircraft(s) Being Flown

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 – Legal and insurance information due

Pilot/Aviation Certificate of Insurance
NOTE: Aviation insurance MUST be on the company that employs the Pilot and MUST specifically name the pilot as an individual covered by the policy

Friday, August 16, 2024  – Additional demo staff info due
Information on additional demonstration staff (name, contact information, role) is due

Sunday, September 1, 2024 – Outdoor Demo Rehearsal – BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 
Participants will have the opportunity to rehearse their demonstration at the flight site on Sunday, September 3 by appointment only. To schedule, please coordinate with Jennifer Pidgen of Sundance Media Group.

Monday, September 2, 2024 – Outdoor Demo Rehearsal & Required Safety Briefing
Participants will have the opportunity to rehearse their demonstration at the flight site on Monday September 4 (12pm – 5pm). While it is not required that participants fly during the rehearsal, it is highly recommended for purposes of safety, professional presentation, and understanding of the flight environment. However, ALL participants are required to attend the Safety Briefing on Monday, September 2 at 3:00PM.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 – Live Outdoor Flying Demo Schedule

6:30 AM Vendors arrive for tech check with A/V at Cornerstone Park
6:30 AM Load Spectator Buses at Caesar’s Forum
6:50 AM Buses leave Caesar’s Forum for demos
7:15 AM Final safety briefing with RPICs – MANDATORY FOR ALL RPICS
7:30 AM Spectator buses arrive
7:45 AM Introductions & safety briefing
8:00 AM – 8:20 AM Demo 1
8:25 AM – 8:37 AM Demo 2
8:42 AM – 8:52 AM Demo 3
8:54 AM – 9:34 AM Spectator Mix & Mingle with Demonstrating Companies
9:39 AM – 10:08 AM Demo 4
10:13 AM – 10:25 AM Demo 5
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM Demo 6
10:47 AM – 10:50 AM Closing Remarks and Load Buses
10:55 AM – 11:15 AM Buses return to Caesar’s Forum
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Site Tear Down/Clean Up

Staff from companies that are demonstrating are responsible for their own transportation to and from the rehearsal and demos.

Demo/Rehearsal/Safety Briefing Location:

Cornerstone Park – Henderson 
1600 Wigwam Pkwy, Henderson, NV 89074

Set-up/Amenities for Vendors

  • A/V for showing and describing the scenario/capture/data
  • Pop-Up Tent – Supply your own branded tent or use a plain one we’ll provide
  • One setup table per demonstrator will be provided

Amenities for Spectators

  • Transportation to and from Caesar’s Forum in Las Vegas
  • Refreshments and snacks
  • Bleachers
  • Shade Structures
  • Bathroom Facilities


Sundance Media Group
Commercial UAV Expo Americas




If the drone pilot is an employee of yours and is not a hired third party, your insurer will provide the insurance information required. If you hired them for this demonstration they will need to provide Diversified with the insurance information. The ACORD form illustrates the $1M in Aviation Operator’s insurance required and how Diversified should be named as an additional insured. If Aviation Operations are not included in your General Liability coverage, the pilot’s insurance broker should be given the form and asked to provide similar information about the pilot’s policy.

Please note: 
>Pilot information, General Liability Insurance Form, and Pilot/Aviation Certification of Insurance are due by July 26, 2024.

>Aviation insurance MUST be on the company that employs the Pilot and MUST specifically name the pilot as an individual covered by the policy

A. That’s okay – give us what you can and we’ll follow up on anything outstanding.

A. There’s lots you can do to get people jazzed about your demo, including:

  • Promote your participation via your social media channels, email communications, website, blog. (Check out this video.)
  • Mention your demo in your company listing for Commercial UAV Expo
  • Add a mention to your signature
  • Send out a Press Release to your media list. Be sure to include Commercial UAV News on your distribution list by emailing your release to (email here.)
  • Find the Commercial UAV Expo logo and other promotional items (here.)

A. We’ve got numerous promotions planned to promote the demos and ensure they reach max capacity. Our efforts include:
• Two dedicated emails about the demonstrations, plus at least a half-dozen mentions (with links to demo landing page) in other email communications
• Press Release distributed to our Press List and over the wire
• Invitation to Press to attend at no charge
• Multiple Social Media posts to our followers via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
• Paid Social Media and Google Adwords
• Article in Commercial UAV News website and newsletter

A. Register demo staff as you would your regular booth staff via the Exhibitor Manual.  Note: For each 10×10 space, exhibitors receive an allotment of two exhibit hall and two conference passes.

A. To attend the demos, your customers must register for Commercial UAV Expo. All registrants will have access to attend the demos for free, however, if they need bus transportation from Caesars Forum they will need to indicate and pay for bus transportation during the registration process for $50. Free parking is available at the demo site for those attendees who wish to drive, and the site is easily accessible for taxis or ride-shares to drop attendees off who do not wish to purchase bus transportation.

A. All pilots, whether they intend to fly the day prior to the demo or not, are required to attend the Safety Briefing. There will be no exceptions. If your pilot doesn’t attend, that pilot won’t be permitted to demonstrate for your company.

A. No one is required to fly during the time allotted for the rehearsal but it is highly recommended for purposes of safety, professional presentation, and understanding of the flight environment. However, attendance at the Safety Briefing is required of all participants.

A. The final mandatory safety briefing at 3:00 PM on September 2nd is a requirement for all vendor RPICs to ensure that any changes in weather, environment, or crew are worked out before we go live with the drone demonstrations. 

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