Dan Ngo is the manager of the Part 11 Petitions branch in the FAA’s Office of Rulemaking since 2021, which is responsible for responding to all petitions for exemption. He works closely with colleagues in Flight Standards Service and the Office of the Chief Counsel to ensure that petitioners receive a timely response that is in the public interest, and poses no adverse safety effect. Dan has worked to streamline multiple processes to gain efficiencies for the exemptions program, which have resulted in the issuance of thousands of exemptions that have enabled broad UAS applications across the country, from agricultural operations to commercial package delivery.
Dan previously held positions with the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization, Legislative Counsel, and Rulemaking, where he was a Technical Program Lead for the Section 333 UAS Exemptions project. He was also detailed to the House T&I Committee, Aviation Subcommittee, where he managed a diverse aviation portfolio with topics such as UAS integration, aircraft certification and oversight, aviation workforce issues, and oversight of foreign repair stations.